Waffles everyday!


I often get a surprised look when i tell my client I had waffles for breakfast, for some reason so many of us still believe that a healthy diet means a boring diet!
Let me share my favourite waffle recipe with you, personally I love my waffle a bit on the crispy side – that’s why I don’t use any eggs.
If you prefer a more ‘cake-y’ waffle i suggest replacing the chia seeds with an egg.
1/2 cup oats (can use glutenfree)
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp chia seeds
baking powder
pinch of salt
lemon extract
enough milk to thin out it out.

Simply mix all the ingredients and let the batter soak in the fridge overnight -it will be ready waiting for you in the morning!

As far as topping go, the sky is the limit!
This morning I decided on a chopped apple, tahini and some pieces of dates and pumpkinseeds.